Portrait of Fadi Gorges


Hi 👋, I'm Fadi Gorges, an enthusiastic Software Engineering student based in Sydney, Australia.

A Laptop


I am passionate about designing and developing beautiful, fast and intuitive software.

As a Bachelor of Software Engineering (Honours) student at the University of Technology Sydney, I have garnered experience in full-stack web and game development. With my skill in multiple programming languages and technologies, I am able to create high quality websites and native applications.


CitizenshipAU Mockup


CitizenshipAU is a website that helps people prepare for the Australian Citizenship Test. The front-end is built in NextJS, TypeScript and styled with TailwindCSS. For the back-end, PayloadCMS and MongoDB Atlas are utilised to handle the database and authentication.
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AusBizGrowth Mockup


AusBizGrowth is a dashboard web app designed to help users determine the growth potential of small-medium enterprises (SMEs).
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Dungeon of Death Mockup

Dungeon of Death

Dungeon of Death is a 2D fantasy dungeon crawler game built in Unity, in which the player explores unique dungeons, fights monsters, and collects loot. This game received an assessment mark of 95/100 (Band 6) as my Industrial Technology Multimedia HSC Major Project.
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