
A demo dashboard web app to determine the growth potential of SMEs.
Screenshot of AusBizGrowth

Empowering SMEs with Growth Insights

AusBizGrowth is a demo dashboard web app developed by a team of 8 students at UTS. It serves as a front-end demonstrator, showcasing the potential functionality of a website that helps users determine the growth potential of small-medium enterprises (SMEs).

Our platform allows users to view information about SMEs as well as a growth rating score based on their data, making it easier for users to identify promising businesses. It is built to be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing users to easily navigate and find the information they need.

Search and Filter SMEs

The core of AusBizGrowth lies in its ability to analyze and sort data based on user-entered filters. Users can search for SMEs based on specific features and criteria, and the application will return relevant businesses that meet those requirements.

This data-driven approach ensures that users can find growing SMEs more efficiently than through traditional research methods.

Search Profiles and Notifications

AusBizGrowth also allows users to save and manage their search profiles. Users can create profiles based on their search criteria, and the application will automatically track SMEs that match these profiles.

Users will receive email notifications at a set frequency, updating them on which SMEs match their search profiles. This feature ensures that users stay informed about potential growth opportunities without having to manually search for updates.

Add New Enterprises

Users can also add new enterprises to the AusBizGrowth platform. This can be done by manually entering the details of the enterprise or by batch uploading data contained in a CSV file.

Once added, these enterprises are stored in the database and their information is tracked. This feature allows users to keep the platform up-to-date with the latest information about SMEs.